Galerie Fons Welters - Amsterdam

Affinities #2

Galerie Fons Welters is proud to invite you to ‘Affinities #2, a group exhibition with works by Olga Balema, Matthew Monahan, Maria Roosen and Taocheng Wang. For each of these artists, the drawing or painting takes up a special position within their artistic practice. Departing from varying attitudes, concepts and material approaches, the exhibition ‘Affinities #2’ lays bare possible, and at times unexpected, correspondences.

To describe a gallery program, its core and focus, for a gallery is of course inevitable yet also inevitably difficult. What is it that connects these artists with differing practices, from different generations, geographies, with differing interests, approaches, lives? Affinities is a series of group shows subjectively and associatively exploring this question, though without any intent of offering answers.
