Galerie Fons Welters - Amsterdam

Reiner Matysik – Junk DNA

Junk-DNA. How living organisms become architecture, clothing and sexually attractive to human beings.

“Um alles in Eins zu fassen: je göttlicher ein Mensch oder ein Werk des Menschen ist, je ähnlicher werden sie der Pflanze; diese ist unter allen Formen der Natur die sittlichste, und die schönste. Und also wäre ja das höchste vollendetste Leben nichts als ein reines Vegetieren.”
Friedrich Schlegel

Under the title Junk-DNA, Reiner Matysik (Duisburg, 1967) presents a first step towards a natural investigation and aesthetic handling of new living creatures. Junk-DNA exposes an analytical and emotional confrontation with organisms. Matysik has devoted his attention to the – as yet – untapped potential of plant-life explaining his fascination for the organic as being due to the fact that vegetation is still the only natural element which is able to provide: all other forms of life (man, animal) depend on and consume what vegetation produces.

Junk-DNA is the umbrella term for parts of the gene not yet exploited for their practical daily usage. And although the results of the present investigations are unclear, it is strongly believed that the potential hidden within these specific parts will reveal stunning possibilities. It is therefore within this field of Junk-DNA that we can expect fundamental changes in our perception of life and our manner of living.

Due to its precarious nature (caused mainly by the skepticism of others), JUNK-DNA finds freedom of expression within the field of visual arts. Soon though, once the analysis is matured, these sketches for a new life will become an accepted part of our daily experience.

For the exhibit Junk-DNA the back space of the gallery will be filled with tall structures, examples of the Junk-DNA potential. This futuristic plant-species grows as a column, but spreads out at the top, forming a screen-like ceiling; the whole is a veritable ‘organic architecture’ in which – ultimately – people will be able to live.

Alongside these particular architectural components, there will be drawings and sketches further documenting similar structures and other new forms and ideas on Junk-DNA.
