Galerie Fons Welters - Amsterdam

Skylarking – Yasmijn Karhof, Lucas Lenglet, Govinda Mens, Nicky Zwaan

From December 2nd until the 30th, Playstation III will be host to an exhibition initiated by Yasmijn Karhof (1974), Lucas Lenglet (1972), Govinda Mens (1976) and Nicky Zwaan (1971), 4 artists recently graduated from the Rietveld academy.

SKYLARKING is not a group show in the traditional sense of the word; plainly said: this group of 4 was formed before the curator got there and this group of 4 was invited – as a whole – to exhibit the sequel to their initial exhibition (also entitled SKYLARKING) in Playstation. Karhof, Lenglet, Mens and Zwaan, however, do not see themselves as an artist’s group nor as a floating artist’s co-operative, they are 4 individual artists who came together with the will to create a joint exhibition. Naturally, an affinity towards one another’s work has been a basis for the joint venture but the end result is neither a perfect symbiosis nor a collection of separate pieces. It hangs (literally) somewhere in between.

SKYLARKING – both part I and II – is conditioned by a dramatic intervention in spatial makeup, one whereby the architectural limitations of the original room are used but also altered to recreate a new, but still recognizable space. Within this parallel space, a ‘route’ is thought out by the makers, not one marked by a motivation to physically manipulate the viewer, but one, instead, which offers a kind of concentration, or, better said, a kind of condition or circumstance in which the viewer is given a (new) space to investigate, experience and concentrate upon. It is a complete experience, a total space, built up out of raw elements, which are allowed to be just that, raw.

[Maxine Kopsa]
