Galerie Fons Welters - Amsterdam

David Jablonowski


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Born 1982, Germany
Lives and works in Amsterdam (NL)

Since 2008 Jablonowski examines the surface and the evolution of contemporary communication technologies, such as printers, scanners, projectors, hyperlinks, cnc-milling machines as well as 3d printed material. In sculptures, videos and installations, he focuses on the development of language as a technically reproducible code, and its aesthetic development and impact on the shapes of objects with respect to the communication of knowledge and information. His artistic interest is on the sculptural quality of communication techniques, as well as the specific aesthetics of different historical media formats that have a long-term impact on perception and cultural self-conception. Jablonowski reflects on the influence of technological processes on society, the shape of objects as well as contemporary sculpture

Solo exhibitions include: Centraal Museum, Utrecht (NL, 2019), Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (De, 2017), Kunsthalle Lingen (DE, 2015), Kunstmuseum Den Haag (NL, 2013), Baltic Gateshead (UK, 2013), Westfälischer Kunstverein (DE, 2012), Dallas Contemporary (USA, 2011), Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (NL, 2010).

Jablonowski’s work is part of the collections of a.o. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (NL), Kunstmuseum Den Haag (NL), LWL Landesmuseum, Münster (DE), BundesKunstsammlung (DE).


2011-2012 ISCP, New York, USA

2007-2009 De Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL

2006-2007 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, DE (class of Peter Doig)

2003-2007 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL

Solo exhibitions

2023 ‘PRE-SALE /virgin/waste/renewable”, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL

‘Sale (virgin/waste/renewable)’, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

2020’David Jablonowski’, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL

2019’Public Hybrid’, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, NL

‘Future Contract’, Spazio A, Pistoia, IT


‘Public Hybrid (Das Kapital Raum)’, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL


‘Stone-Carving High Performance’, DASH, Kortrijk, BE

‘Public Hybrids’, Markus Luettgen, Cologne, DE

‘Public Hybrids’, 45 cbm Studioraum, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, DE


‘Hype Cycles’, Kunsthalle Lingen, Germany

‘Trade Alert’, Markus Luettgen, Cologne, DE


‘Hype Cycle’, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL

‘Hello Prediction! / Still life with Turkey pie’, Max Wigram Gallery, London, UK

‘Hello Prediction! / Data Mining’, Mondriaan Fonds @ ART COLOGNE, DE

‘To Satisfy Algorithms / Still Life with Aspagarus’, Luettgenmeijer, Berlin, DE

‘Hello Prediction! / Text Mining’, Galleria Raucci/Santamaria, Napels, IT


‘Prosumer’, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, NL

‘Tools and Orientations’, Baltic Center for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, Newcastle, UK

Max Wigram Gallery, London, UK


‘Blue greens’, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE

‘user’, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL


‘Many to Many (Stone Carving High Performance)’, Dallas Contemporary, USA

Bloomberg Space, London, UK


‘Perfection’, Simple Way, Galerie Luttgenmeijer, Berlin, DE

‘Material Kontingenz’, SMBA, Amsterdam, NL


‘Imposition’, Schaufenster, Kunstverein Dusseldorf, DE

Art Amsterdam 2009, Rai, Amsterdam, NL

Group exhibitions


‘Digital Deluge’, ABN AMRO kunstruimte, Amsterdam, NL


‘The Floating Collection’, MAMbo, Bologna, IT

‘Mondrian Moves’, Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Den Haag, NL

‘The Power of Wonder. New Materialisms in Contemporary Art’, Museum unter Tage, Bochum-Weitmar, DE


‘Suspension of (dis)belief’, Markus Lüttgen Gallery, Mönchengladbach, DE

‘Combine’, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL


‘Flow’, Francesco Carone’s studio, Pistoia, a project by Francesco Carone and SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

‘SGABELLO COLLECTION: In Search of the Miraculous’, project space on the inside, curated by Liesbeth Willems, Amsterdam, NL


The Fountain Show’, Sundy, London, UK

‘State of Transparency, A collaboration with the Large Glass Department of The Gerrit Rietveld Academie’, Amsterdam, NL

‘Centraal Museum’, Utrecht, NL

‘Trouble in Paradise’, Collection Rattan Chadha, De Kunsthal, Rotterdam, NL


‘Lila & Tulipan’, Kunsthalle Lingen, Lingen, DE

‘Face my boost under your ShotSpotter’, Hardstrasse 43, Basel, DE

‘”B” is for Bird’, Museum Kranenburgh, Bergen, NL

‘Luca Vitone, Georgia Dickie, David Jablonowski’, Rolando Anselmi, Berlin, DE

Last Dance, Kindl (Zentrum fuer zeitgenoessische Kunst), Berlin, DE


‘Change the System’, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, NL

‘ARTZUID’, Amsterdam, NL

‘Objects, Art Chapel’, Amsterdam, NL

‘Questo progetto non ha un futuro’, Raucci/SantaMaria, Milano, IT


‘Aanwinsten 2016’, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, NL

‘I call it Lütggen’, Markus Lüttgen, Cologne, DE


‘Addition: Gift Pieter en Marieke Sanders’, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL

‘Art In The Age Of… Planetary Computation’, Witte de With Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, NL

‘Bilder-Welten’, Lebens-Räume, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, DE


‘Affinities #1’, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL

‘Group exhibition nominations Marler Medienkunst-Preise 2014’, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, DE

‘Living in the Material World’, Gallerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, AT

‘Sculpture Unchaperoned, contemporary international positions selected by artist Michael Kienzer’, Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Vienna, AT

‘Brands – Concept/Affect/Modularity’, SALTS, Birsfelden, CH

‘Ingewikkelde beelden’, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, NL

‘Living in the Material World – Materiality in Contemporary Art’, Museum Haus Lange / Haus Esters, Krefeld, DE

‘Dans Cinquante Ans d’Ici’, Les Territoires, Montreal, CA


‘The Enormous Speed of Change’, Call of the Mall, Hoog-Catharijne, Utrecht, NL

‘Unstable Media’, Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam, NL

‘Material World’, NEST, The Hague, NL


‘Esta puerta pide clavo / curated by Rivet’, Galerie Tatjana Pieters, Ghent, BE

‘Colasel (Cologne)’, Raum Drei, a collaboration with Van Horbourg (Basel), Cologne, DE

‘De Volkskrant Beeldende Kunst Prijs 2012’, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, NL


‘Beyond the Fragile Geometry of Sculpture’, Vleeshal, Middelburg, NL

‘The Global Contemporary Art Worlds After 1989’, ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, DE

‘Raw, Lustwarande 2011’, Foundation Fundament, Tilburg, NL

‘Basic Instincts’, organized by Premsela, Berlin, DE


‘Beeld Hal Werk’, Amsterdam Noord, NL

‘Monumentalism— History and National Identity in Contemporary Art: Proposal for Municipal Art Acquisitions 2010’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL

‘De Nederlandse identiteit?’, De Paviljoens, Almere, NL

‘After Architects’, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, CH

‘Woodman, Woodman, Spare That Tree’, Galerie Luttgenmeijer, Berlin, DE


Frieze Art Fair, London, UK

The Knights Tour (Contemporary Sculpture), Frans Hals Museum – Hallen, Haarlem, NL

‘Offspring’, De Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL

‘Group show with gallery artists’, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL


‘Deep Screen; Art in Digital Culture (Proposal for Municipal Art Acquisitions)’, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL


‘Over het Sublieme’, PAKT, Amsterdam, NL

‘The circle of the Horizon’, Graduation show, Rietveld Akademie, Amsterdam, NL

‘Rundgang 2007’, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, DE

‘Fontein’, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, DE

Public projects


‘Public Hybrids’, Drachten, NL


Imposition (Public Archive) Stedelijk Museum en Lectoraat Kunst en Publieke Ruimte


Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL

Gemeente Museum, The Hague, NL

LWL Landesmuseum, Münster, DE

BundesKunstsammlung, Sammlung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, DE

Rabobank Collection, Amsterdam, NL

Schunk, Heerlen, NL

Robeco, Rotterdam, NL

Allen & Overy, Amsterdam, NL

De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, NL

Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, DE

